Wednesday 24 December 2008

Danby and Saltburn

Granny and Grandad arrive in Saltburn, and we walk to the beach- one photo with me, one with Guy.

The day before, we took a walk at Danby. It was very beautiful, and John wore his new hat...!

Whitby Abbey

Four days until Christmas, and Guy is busy, busy, busy. In an attempt to keep myself from going quietly mad, (over-excited, over-tired children...), we head for Whitby, and visit the Abbey for the first time. It was very interesting, and very beautiful too. Nobody could resist the allure of the tomb; are they really dead? In case you are wondering, in the first photo, everyone is tumbling down the famous steps to the Abbey.

Christmas Nativity

The church nativity- Anna is the Angel Gabriel, Toby is a guitar-playing sheep, and Hamish stars as a violin-playing, West Country yokel shepherd. John was a narrator too, but no photos of him!

Thursday 4 December 2008

November Snaps

A happy walk down to the beach. 

John plus leaves